The Internet is a showcase open to the public 24 hours a day, which allows us to compete on equal terms with the bigger ones.
This system will give you total freedom to remove or add products, vary prices or update images.
Your catalogue will be present in all the search engines and we will send you the orders directly to your Verial management program.
The user will be able to format the content of his website.
The CREADSA content manager has been completely integrated.
This will allow you to manage all the content of the website and to a certain extent the appearance of the same.
The customer will now be able to configure all aspects of the store from their administration panel.
It links to the product management of the VERIAL software and allows you to retrieve and process the orders received.
The application allows you to manage unlimited product sheets, with details of their characteristics and images, as well as those offers and news highlights.
Compatible with the main TPV card payment systems of the most used entities, to provide more payment systems to your customers.
To provide added value to current customers, the program allows them to access the company's catalogue and view its particular conditions in terms of prices.